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Shungite + CSilver Mobile Phone KiCard ~ EMF Protection ~ PEACE ROSE

Regular price AU$20.00

Peace Rose

A story of the Peace Rose is Unique and worth sharing…

It was developed by French horticulturist Francis Meilland, in the years 1935 to 1939. When Meilland foresaw the German invasion of France, he sent cuttings to friends in Italy, Turkey, Germany, and the United States to protect the new rose. It is said that it was sent to the US on the last plane available before the German invasion, where it was safely propagated by the Conard Pyle Co. during the war.

Because Meilland had sent out his cuttings just before the war, communication between the cultivators was not possible, which is why the rose received different names. France called it 'Madame A. Meilland' after Meilland's mother. Italy called it 'Goia' (Joy). Germany named it 'Glory Dei' (glory to God) and the USA called it 'Peace'.

The adoption of the trade name "Peace" was publicly announced in the United States on 29 April 1945. This was also the very day that Berlin fell, a day considered a turning point in the Second World War in Europe. Later that year Peace roses were given to each of the delegations at the inaugural meeting of the United Nations in San Francisco, each with a note that read:

"We hope the 'Peace' rose will influence men’s thoughts for everlasting world peace".

In 1976, it was the first cultivar to be granted the highest award a rose can be granted when it was selected as World's Favorite Rose and included into the Rose Hall of Fame.

General Rose meaning

The rose has always been a timeless symbol of love, beauty and balance. While each color expresses love, beauty and balance a little differently, the main message is still always love! Pink roses are appropriate for sending thanks, cheering up a friend, or recognizing a romantic occasion. The pink rose has always been associated with feelings of love and gratitude.

Every KiCard is individually and uniquely handcrafted using Shungite and Colloidal Silver. Simply place on your phone or electronic device (it does not matter which way the card faces). 

  • Shungite neutralises the harmful effects of toxic electric fields which are emitted from mobile phones, computers, cordless phones and Wi-Fi hot spots. It protects from radiation by transforming harmful left torsion fields into bio-compatible, right torsion influenced energy
  • Colloidal Silver helps to amplify the Shungite energy.

*One KiCard: 54mm x 86mm