Here is a quick [bullet point] Shungite Summary
- Pronounced to Rhyme with ‘Kite’
- is a powerful protection stone and the ultimate bodyguard
- grounds energies to the earth
- shields from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) from phones, computers, Wi-Fi, cell towers, TVs, etc.
- has electro-conductive properties
- Shungite is only found in one place in earth – The Russian part of Karelia.
- The name Shungite was taken from the village Shun’ga near one of the first extraction sites
- The deposit extends over 9000 square meters northeast of St. Petersburg
- Found near Lake Onega – The 2nd largest lake on the European continent
- This lake-dotted region is a basin of tectonic origin, hollowed out by glaciers.
- Shungite can be found on the surface, however is generally found in the depths of the earth - Sometimes 100’s meters below the surface.
- First studies to scientifically name Shungite was in 1880’s
- Has elector-conductive property
- A natural C60 Fullerene Structure
- Shungite contains almost the entire periodic table of elements and is the only known natural material to contain Fullerenes.
- Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by a team of scientists from Rice University and the University of Sussex.
- On October 9, 1996, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to 3 of those scientists
- Attracts and neutralises harmful contaminants from water
- Shungite has many microelements and biologically active substances and has the astounding ability to purify and revitalise water.
- Everything of illness is dissolved and anything health-giving is concentrated and restored by this wonderful stone.
- Place Shungite in water to purify and charge the water with cleansing energy.
- Shungite water has an antihistamine effect, as it helps cure burns, cuts, callosities, arthritis, osteoarthritis and varicose veins.
- Simple mouthwash with Shungite water will cure sore throat, stomach aches, colds and tonsillitis.
- Bio-compatible to human energy systems
- It is the highest vibratory stone on the planet and is the most stable form of carbon.
- The grounding and protective energies of Shungite make it a powerful protection stone.
- Shungite works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies “attacking” the seeds of destruction and decay.
- Shungite molecules slow down the growth of cancer cells.
- Shields from harmful electromagnetic frequencies [EMFs] - cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, TVs etc.
- Positive balance and protection for you and your family
- Scientists investigating Shungite declare as miraculous.
- Shungite is so important that one day it might well be worth more than gold.
- Totally safe and non-toxic
- Elite Shungite makes up less than 1% of all shungite found
- **It is recommended to place Shungite stones in the moonlight or sun every 6 months.** [this is not a necessity but a beautiful way to honour and personally reconnect to Shungites amazing energy]
Shungite provides healing on all levels:
- Promotes Positivity
- Removes negative energies
- Removes negative thoughts
- Restores emotional balance
- Increases personal power
- Raises vibration
- A strong grounding stone
- Energetic Support of Physical Healing
- A natural antioxidant
- Increase human immunity
- Anti-inflammatory and Antihistaminic effects
- Boosts energy
- Normalizes sleep
- Psychic protection
- Clears and balances aura
- Works with all the chakras
- Enhances metaphysical abilities
- Assists in evolving spiritually
- Growth and transformation
- Soul Wisdom
- Ancient Memory
- Breath Work